Week 4 - Tips for storing Quilt Rulers and Embroidery Hoops

Week 4 - Tips for storing Quilt Rulers and Embroidery Hoops

It's week 4 of the 'Organize your Sewing Space' blog series. January is flying by. I'm sure your spaces are starting to look very spiffy. This week is all about storing your quilting rulers and embroidery hoops.

Let's start with all those quilting rulers. There are many different ways to store your quilting rulers, including the following:


*Slotted ruler holders and ruler racks.

*Place a binder clip at the top of the ruler and use the loop in the clip to hang the ruler  and it's directions on a peg board.

You can also use shower and curtain rings or key rings through the hole at the top of the ruler to hang them to a peg board.

I also hang my embroidery hoops up on my peg board.


*Install hooks on the sides of tables, in walls, or on the sides of book cases, and hang rulers from those spots.

*Hang them from a towel rack, or a wire shelf.

*Rulers, can be stored flat on shelves, or tucked into drawers.

*You can also store rulers in mail sorter/ file organizer.







* Rulers can be pinned up to a cork board, using tacks.

Put one tack through the hole at the top of the ruler, and then add other tacks around the sides to secure the rulers in place.

Notice how I put the ruler's directions up there too. If it comes with instructions they are hung up right behind the ruler.


  *Some rulers will even fit in a plate holder/easel.


Next let's talk about embroidery hoops.

My hoops are constantly in use and don't really spend much time in storage, so mine mostly live either on the table next to my machine, or up on the peg board. But here are some other ways that you can store your machine embroidery hoops:

*Attach coat hooks or 3M hooks to the walls, or sides of tables, desks, or book cases and hang them from the hooks. 
*Store them in magazine racks.
*Hang them on a peg board or on a cork board.
*Hang them from over the door hangers (a.k.a. Christmas wreath hooks)







*Store them on 'S' hooks and hang from a wire shelf or towel bar.


*Remember that mail sorter/desk organizer from above? Well guess what? It's perfect for embroidery hoops as well!







*Have extra purse hooks? You know those things that are meant to keep your handbag off the floor at restaurants?









Want to make organizing your space even more fun??!!! Print out this BINGO card from American Patchwork & Quilting and turn cleaning into a game!

cleaning bingo card

That's all I have for this week. How do you store your rulers and embroidery hoops?

Comment on Facebook or send me an email and let me know so that we can all learn from each other!

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